axe wound edited

(Picture is horribly graphic be careful if you click on it )

I was driving home yesterday evening when I first heard of this.  The station was plying the soundtrack of a desperate phone call made by a woman, from Tehran, describing the massacre that she had witnessed and that was still going on as she was on the phone.  She said something that I  really could not register. She said that the basji and other security forces were “using AXES to hit young men in the heart” The conversation continued but I couldn’t get that image out of my mind and I couldn’t really focus on what else she or anyone else said. “Using axes to hit young men in the heart” How can anyone come to think up such a thing much less implement it? I have to confess that I wanted to believe that the woman, though her command of the language was  commendable, somehow, under stress did not really relate exactly what she saw  perhaps due to a language barrier. Maybe there were batons or maybe someone brought a knife.

How can a government actually  distribute axes and order its minions to go out and hack at its citizens? Its something beyond medieval its something from a demonic realm of depravity that shakes your very faith in humanity and something that really brings home the fact that the devil does exist and is very active indeed.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning determined to find out how true this account was. Alas it din’t take long. This is the site where I found the pic

I don’t know what to say I don’t know who to say it to but I just want to make as many people aware of this as possible. I am not even sure why yet but we’ll talk about it in future posts.

Below is the video and sound track of the conversation but its cut well short, if I find the entire thing I’ll post it.

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