No this is not a work of fiction. This is happening now, it is real and as you find out the details it will only get more frightening- and yes it will come to the US !

The  Brits will establish the “Big Society Bank” ,I kid you not that is the official name, and it’s purpose is to steal money form private accounts and redistribute the funds “in a fair ” manner to “areas that need it.”

The measure exploits a law passed in 2008 by Prime Minister Gordon Brown – Labor Party what else- that allows the stealing of funds form ‘dormant accounts” to be used  “for social or environmental purposes.”

Details of  projects to be funded by the confiscated accounts  are purposely vague but they include  running broadband cable and “Taking over local assets such as a community pub”

To ensure that this is done as per government dictum there will be a  “a community organizer to help each community coordinate local support for, and involvement in, its plans.”

Yes the Oamunists will try to bring this to the US unless we stop them now!


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