Tucker Carlson called out racist Jennifer Rubin for her hateful articles against President Elect Donald Trump’s supporters.  And yes he is right to do so and yes as he points out on numerous occasions during this interview she has zero facts to back up her claims; all that is true! What is also very true however is that the issue that no one is addressing, the elephant in the room as it were , is that bashing whites in a racist manner is apparently an approved journalistic practice!

Why are Leftist Jews Allowed to Racially Bash Whites With Impunity?

How many articles have you seen written in response to  Rubin and her liberal friends, mostly Jews, who call whites derogatory names? In this case the owner of the Washington Post is yet another far left jew, Jeff Bezos – the owner of Amazon.com. Do you think he’ll call out his reporter and ask her to explain her racist comments? Of course not.

What would happen if for instance a reporter would simply change one word from “white” to “black” or to “Hispanic” or to God forbid “Muslim”  and published the article otherwise essentially unchanged like this:

“As the “black” males who comprised “Obama’s” base (and “MSNBC’s ” TV audience) literally die off in “gun violence” over the ensuing decades, there will be insufficient numbers to stand on the hill of irrational and unpopular stances like “open borders”. By then, however, the Democrat Party could be long gone, which it will if it doesn’t wise up on this and a host of other issues.”



Do you think this article would ever get published? Do you think the media would be as quiet about as they are now? Below is a copy of the paragraph as it appeared in the Washington com-Post.

We have to stop this seemingly “Jewish Privilege” of  launching racist attacks at whites with impunity!


“As the old white males who comprised Trump’s base (and Fox News’s TV audience) literally die off over the ensuing decades, there will be insufficient numbers to stand on the hill of irrational and unpopular stances like immigration restrictionism. By then, however, the GOP could be long gone, which it will if it doesn’t wise up on this and a host of other issues.”

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