There are questions surrounding the the alleged Time’ Square bombing attempt that so far don’t add up. Maybe as evidence is gathered and disseminated these questions will be answered but for now, they are still a mystery.
Unlike the rest of the media we will not jump to conclusions but we’ll recap what we know so far.
1) The “Bomb”
The alleged delivery system for the bomb was an suv left on the street with the blinkers on
The alleged explosive devise was designed, intentionally or not, to cause more of a fire ball, like an incendiary device, rather than a high impact detonation
Thankfully the device did not work but did produce enough smoke to alert bystanders
The alleged perpetrator
As of now we the public have no idea as to who the suspects are if any. That’s as it should be.
The questions
Times Square, as anyone who ever even attempted to stop a car, much less park or stand there is jam packed with law enforcement, traffic enforcement, and parking enforcement and attempting to park a car and leave the vehicle is not something that goes unnoticed.
1) Why was this SUV able stop and stand with “blinkers on to boot” and how long was it allowed to stand until smoke came out of the the fender and someone noticed
2) The timing is also strange. Times Square is much more crowded at rush hour, both morning and after noon, than it is on a weekend eve. Why was the “bomb” planted on a weekend?
3) We are told that there is no suspect in custody and we are told that they have no leads or video of the suspect and yet we are shown a video of – as FOX and the rest of the media describe him – “a 40ish white male changing his shirt”
I have more questions, a lot more, and I’ll post them in the future but for now let’s leave it at this and let’s also note that the good Samaritans are two black men, one we are told is a Vietnam Veteran and let’s also note that not long before the discovery of the “bomb” National Enquirer broke the story that they have confirmations of a possible Obama sex scandal.
Below is the video of the “possible suspect” changing shirts.