I can’t get the picture of Obamba curtsying to the scum bag Saudi dictator Abdullah out of my head.
As I ponder how low we’ve sunk, Teddy Rosvelt would ‘ve punched the fat prick in the gut just to make him curtsy to the American President, I think back to the major election turning points and can’t help but wonder…
The first major “crisis” of the the campaign came courtesy of inexplicably higher oil prices. Could the Saudis have had anything to do with that? Naaahhhh
The second the decisive crisis came on September 18, 2008. On that day $500 Billion worth of money market funds were taken out of the US monetary system by 11Am. Sure there are many conspiracy theories out there I don’t know which ones have merit, but lets see who could actually pull this off? First of all such action would have the effect of lowering the dollar, and just that’s what happened. To benefit form that one would have to be massively short the dollar, in the same way that Soros was so infamously short the British Pound. Another way to pull it off would be if one was awash with assets that would go up if the dollar went down. Such an asset would be oil and such a person would be King Abdulah of Saudi Arabia.
In return for helping foster the crisis that got Obama elected the latter, Abdulah, got a US President to grovel before him for the whole world to see and for history to record.
What did the former, Soros, get? A flight to NY on Air Force One?
“If I get him elected I want him to come and bow to me for the whole world to see that we own the Americans”