We’re back on Facebook!
So I was having dinner at RXL on Friday and the conversation wondered to Sarah Palin. Nothing good mind you, this was after all in NYC and a Belgian restaurant so you can safely assume that as conservatives we were vastly outnumbered.
I don’t remember apropos of what but one liberal gal asked , with a tone and look that were at once both conspiratorial and knowing, “I wonder what’s the real reason Sarah Palin quit”
I had just about had enough and decided to put an end to this while at the same time have a bit of fun at the lib’s expense. “You mean you don’ t know” I asked ?
“No I mean the REAL reason” lib gal asked in a dismissive tone.
“She twitted it earlier today” I responded. Practically jumping out of her seat liberal gal said “No! I missed it what’d she say.”
“It’s for health reasons” I responded “Really ? What’s wrong with her” liberal gals eyes lit up with anticipation of bad news regarding Sarah Palin’s health.
To drag this out a little longer I said”well I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Come on you have to, I’ll find out anyway” lib gals puled out her I Phone and was going for the kill.
“Its not all that serious I answered she’s having a procedure done.”
Whaaaaat and for that she quit? What procedure?”
With a look of utter defeat on my face I sheepeslhly conceded : “She’s having her horns surgically removed .”
I’d swear that for a fraction of a second liberal gal considered the possibility that Sarah Palin went into the hospital for just that.
Next time I’m going to say that she’s having the beauty mark surgically removed. When they ask me what beauty mark I’ll just say “666.″