fallujahSomewhere in the

-Tango Down Gunny tango down!

-Lance Corporal!
-Yeah Guns!

-Call me guns again and Ill shove my foot up your ass so hard your children will taste shoe leather. Did you cuff that f—g tango?

-Cuff him? I f—-g sent him to the land of 72 haji virgins gunny.

-The other other one, did you f—g secure the other one?

-Yeah Gunny!

-Out f–gstanding now what do you say that you get down here and take f–g cover for a while do you think that’s a good idea?

Yeah Gunny (crouches behind a ruin)
-Well hot damn son I’m glad you agree! Listen here..( They both pause as mortars explode nearby)

– Listen here Marine did you Mirandise that co-k sucker?
-No Gunny, I tried but the scumbag doesn’t speak English.

– Never mind, I’ll play the f–g  arabic tape for him,  you put on the latex gloves and go out there and get that evidence.
-Gunny WTF!
– Listen Marine that fucking Holder  want us to take Ahmed Kaboom to trial so now you are promoted to Jarhead CSI. Congratuf_inglations.
– Gunny maybe you didn’t notice the f__g morters they’re generously sending our way!


-Listen,that’s what Obama and gates and Holder want. You go do your job and don’t worry, if you get blown up Ill go out there and finish it.

-Yeah  great gunny, just fucking great  but none of those cocksucker are fucking here now are they.
“MAAAAAARINE CORPS!!” ( the l.Cpl.. shouts as he dashes out of the covered area)

Three days later in the US

In front of a row house in Brooklyn NY

Two marines in Dress Blues uniform present a mother with a  newly approved DOD letter: We regret to inform you that Lance Corporal (________) has been killed in the line of duty while gathering evidence in order  to convey U.S. citizenship privileges to terrorists.

A small town near Des Moines Iowa.

Two marines in Dress Blues uniform present a young wife with a newly approved DOD letter: We regret to inform you that Gunnery Sargent(__________)  has been killed in the line of duty while gathering evidence in order  to convey U.S. citizenship privileges to terrorists.

Washington DC
Two atrophied geriatrics in black robes exchange farts as they leave their meeting with Obama and Holder sipping a late satisfied with having laid the foundation for the killing of untold numbers Americans both  on far off  battle fields and here at home.

New York City

Twelve Manhatan libis  sit in the jury box shaking their heads approvingly as terrorists enumerate the reasons why America deserves to be attacked.

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