Needing, as he does to receive his daily spanking, Chris Mathews interviewed Rick Barber and proceeded to show the world, yet gain, that he, Mathews,  has very few tangential points  with reality.

Barber tries his best to explain to Mathews about the existence of hidden taxes but of course the old adage applies “never tech a pig to sing, you’ll waste your time and annoy the lib”

In an effort to disparage the idea of alternate taxing methods,in this case the “Fair tax”  Mathews repeats, ad nauseum that “here  in DC we have an 8% sales tax”. Note that what Matthews fails to mention is that in addition to the 8%  sales tax  DC also has a marginal income tax rate of 8.5% ! Gee Mathews why don’t you know that? Did you  forget to mention it because you had tingles running down your legs?


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