The entire nation witnessed the irresponsible behavior and utter disdain  with which  Obama’s so called Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta so nonchalantly, treated  our troops.

The Media is Desperate to Kill this Story. Share it , don’t Let it Die

Amid the ever increasing calls for Panetta’s resignation we now have evidence that his behavior was more deplorable that we initially thought!

According to the Pentagon Lance Cpl. Edward J. Dycus USMC died in the Marja district of the Helmand province “while conducting combat operations.” While that may be technically true, after all just about every US Marine in Afghanistan is conducting “combat operations” the circumstances surrounding his death should make your blood boil.

You see the 22 year old native of Greenville Mis.. was in fact  assassinated. The mortal wound to the back of Lance Cpl. Edward J.Dycus was delivered not by a sniper’s rifle while conducting a combat patrol. Our Marine was killed by an Afghan soldier while he was standing guard.  Obama’s Pentagon will not disclose additional evidence, or even the name of the Afghan soldiers – they only do that for US troops- but it is safe to say that the two probably knew each other.

Who knows how it went down maybe the Afghan snuck up behind LCpl. Dycus and shot him in the head. That’s very unlikely because the Marine would have heard him coming and stomped his filthy guts out. No,  the more likely scenario is that the Afghan Muslim probably stopped by and chatted with LCpl Davis.  It happens a lot. Troops need to make a head call and on the way to or from the head are challenged by the sentry on duty and usually shoot the s*it for a bit before going back to hit the sack. As LCpl Dycus turned to continue patrolling his post the Afghan mulsim shot him in the back of the head like the coward that most of them are.

This the background intelligence that Panetta had when he told US Marines to disarm.

Panetta knew full well that Afghan traitors were gunning for Marines and  Panetta knew full well that in fact one such Afghan turn-coat had already killed a US Marine.

Knowing all that Panetta still disarmed the US Marines!

On whose side is he anyway?

Why is Panetta still serving as Obama’s Secretary of Defense?

Think hard about that one.



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