Esteemed Harvard professor Henry Gates saw fit to eloquently inform the Cambridge police officer that he’ll “speak to your [the officer’s]  mama outside” . Well, what do you say we take Mr.Gates up on that shall we? I think we shall take a look at Mr. Gates mother and since we are bringing mothers into it, lets also contrast that with Gates’ good friend, “The Blessed One” Obama’s mama.

Now in the interest of fairness and truth we really can’t compare Mrs.Pauline Coleman Gates with Obama’s biological mama. Considering that the latter was gallivanting from one armpit of the globe to another  being an international third world  slut while Obama grand-mama was raising “The Blessed One” we shall use her to compare the two mamas.

By all accounts and apperances, drugs and misdemeanors not withstanding, Obama grand-mama raised her son to be as he himself confesses , a respectful young black man”. He lived in her house ate her food wore cloths that she paid for and was raised by her as if she was her own son.
Well, that didn’t stop Obama from repeatedly throwing her under the bus, both verbally and in writing.  It didn’t prevent him from going to see her , by himself, when she was deathly ill “as soon as he could”  and it didn’t stop him from going to her funeral , also by himself. Isn’t that what a loving son should do?

Why did Oprah’s “The Blessed One” throw his grandma under the bus? If you recall, according to Hussein Obama,  Mrs. Madelyn Dunham, the Obama grand mama, ” once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe. “ That apparently  was enough for Obama to throw Mrs Madelyn Dunham under the bus on national television and equate her with the scum bag Rev. Wright.

It seems to me that Hussein Obama has some pretty thin skin when it comes to his grandma , after all he voluntarily ran to live with her instead of with his “proud African” father in Indonesia  so I find it puzzling that he turned on her and treated her in that manner. Its even more strident considering that he did this in a  particular speech which was meant to address his relationship with his spiritual mentor Wright. Be that as it may, Hussein Obama threw his grandma under the bus becasue he believed that she may have perhaps uttered what he considered  racial stereotypes.
In sharp contrast to the way Hussein Obama treated his grand mama cum mama,  is the way Henry Gates who is often refered to as “the nation’s most famous black scholar” views his own mother.

In his now infamous 1994  interview Gates said ” I mean, Malcom X was talking about the white man was the devil .. I glance over at Mama and her face was radiant. I mean, this smile — beatific smile started to transform her face. And she said quite quietly, “Amen.”

Could one say that Gates’ mama may have agreed with  racist stereotypes? ” Hmmmm you might rabbit you might.”

Gates continues telling us how his mother treated his white wife “And they had many confrontations, many bad — my mother used to do things like say, “I bet you hate black people, right”

Once again could one say that Gates’ mama uttered  stereotypes like Obama grand mama might have uttered?” Hmmmm you might rabbit you might.”

Finally here is Henry Gates telling us about his mama.

“LAMB: At one point you had a line in there, something to the effect, “My mother despised white people.”

GATES: My mother hated white people.

LAMB: All her life?

GATES: Probably”

OK so who are we to argue? Gate’s mother was a racist scum bag who hated whites. But you know what? Gates has yet to disavow his mother’s racism much less throw her under the bus the way Obama threw his mother.

The hatred and racism of Gate’s mother is not disguised it is  avowed  and witnessed to by Gate and by his good friend Barack Hussein Obama! Has Hussein Obama denounced his friend’s mother’s racism? Sure immediately after he denounced Wright’s another words never. Has he denounced his friend Henry Gates for not following his own example and denounce his mother’s racism? Of course not.
So the question that lingers is “why not?” Why did Hussein Obama so dishonor his mother a trailblazing woman, the fist woman to be promoted Bank Vice President in Hawaii, for what any reasonable person can only deduce to be at best imaginary slights?

Why does Henry gates do the opposite and idolize and adore a woman who he himself unequivocally admits to hating whites?

Could it be because the two are black and one of the women is white?

Now the two cannot be both right. I understand that Gates loves his mother, but then what does Hussein Obama, by throwing his own mother under the bus for imaginary reasons, show us about his psychological state?
Many have alleged that Obama is showing visible psychopathic  tendencies. If Hussein Obama is not capable of loving the one white woman who took care of him and raised him what does that say about Obama’s view of all other whites?

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