For the entire duration of his presidency, 9 moths , Obama hid the truth about Iran’s nuclear weapons . Of course this should make you mad and should help you shake off any doubt you might have had that Obama will do anything and everything to preserve his power and keep you in the dark.
What is Obama hiding?
What should really make the hair on the back of your neck stand up is the question of what else is he hiding from us? All of a sudden many of the more outlandish claims made by various people and organizations no longer seem all that incredible. After all Barack Husein Obama hid from us the fact that one of our most immediate and dangerous enemy is developing an nuclear enrichment plant designed for the sole purpose of producing weapons grade enriched uranium. But that’s not all, to complete his betrayal Obama also hid from us that the same enemy has a fully functional plant that produced nuclear detonators. Compared to this deception, detention camps for flu victims certainly seem believable as does mandatory flu vaccinations as does the purpose of the lists of Twiterers and other social media users that Obama is gathering etc. etc. What is he hiding about his health care program?
What will be the consequences?
The questions that arise from this deceptions this have answers that will shake your belief in Obama’s oath of office.
Knowing full well that Iran is developing this plant and that it also has a plant that manufactures nuclear detonators ,Obama, for NINE MONTHS, went ahead and apologized to the world for the inequities that he and Michelle and Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel imagined that the US has committed while at the same time inviting the Iranians to sit down and talk.
Our enemies see weakness and will strike
My God can you imagine what a laughing stock this guy is in Teheran? I’d be laughing to if this wasn’t such a dangerous development.
Get this! Obama knows that Iran is developing a new nuclear plant, Iran knows that Obama knows, but Obama is not disclosing it in fear that his “sit down and talk ” policy will be exposed for impotent idiocy that it is. Do you think that Iran has any amount of fear of this over matched buffoon? I wonder how you say surrender monkey in Farsi.
Its mind-boggling that knowing all this Obama did nothing to support and encourage the students and freedom loving Iranians that participated in the uprising. I am at a loss for words to explain this. Did Obama make a deal with the Iranians ? I don’t know I am just asking becasue I can’t come up with a logical answer.
The weakness that Obama has just shown by hiding the truth and risking our country’s security to promote his agenda will cost us many lives. This is no joke! Expect to see the Russians, Iranians, Chines and who ever else feels like it to take pot shots at us and kill many Americans. And when they do it will be directly on the hands of the spineless charlatan from Chicago .
If Obama says he’s known about it, then he is recycling the same Intel G.W Bush said in this You Tube (dated Dec 2007)
Obama on his way to impeachment.
Obama is not worried about us being nuked, as long as we have government health insurance. POTUS is just way over his head when it comes to foreign policies
Alaskan Rick.