OBAMA mistake

This post is for the February 28 Tea Party,  for the  April 15 2009NYC tea party please click here

The best laid plans of…well you know.  I intended my inaugural post to be something completely different, but fortune smiled and allowed me to participate and witness something special. The New York City Tea Party of February 28, 2009.

We did it, ladies and gents, in the belly of the beast we planted our flag and told our story.  There was a very respectable sized gathering given the practically impromptu nature of the event. I only learned of it on Friday while browsing through Michelle Malkin’s blog.

I was so happy to see people from seemingly all walks of life and, what appeared to be, many different races. I didn’t ask on either account and I don’t really care, but I just wanted to mention it because there is the Drive-by-Media promoted stigma that conservatives are of a certain homogeneity. Well perhaps we are, and I am still waiting for someone to tell me what’s wrong with that, but today in New York City that wasn’t the case. Walking through the crowd, listening to the young black man on the bullhorn lamenting the slippery slope of socialism on which Obama is taking us, I was pleasantly surprised to hear people speaking in a myriad of accents and happily noted that my fellow immigrants made a good showing. After all, we were in the melting pot.  There was the Hispanic man with a large Star Spangled Banner and two smaller ones for his kids. His wife carried no fewer than five posters. I walked by a young couple who in between cheers conversed in French. An elderly lady with a distinct Eastern European accent  politely asked me that if I continued to whistle, perhaps I could move a few feet away…LOL! Everyone was in good humor, polite, and civilized, which is more than I can say for some of the hecklers, but we all expect that don’t we?

Anyway, there will be a column on the Tea Party Revolution very soon but for now please enjoy the pics.

New York City Tea Party

We're having a tea party!
We're having a tea party!
Tea Party Yes Socialism No!
Tea Party Yes Socialism No!
Quick pass another stimulus bill, save the White House!

Quick pass another stimulus bill, save the White House!
Obama got it bassackwards
Obama got it bassackwards
Participant awards Obama a new title
Participant awards Obama a new title

4 Ever Rand

4 Ever Rand

Here you can find additional coverage of the First New York City Tea party

Yeah Baby!

There were other reps from other websites in attendance  and many of them have a more detailed account of the proceedings;

Evil Conservative Radio

Right in the City



And of course the Brooklyn Young Republican’s

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