Bachmann exposes Herman Cain's dangerous flip flopsConservative presidential candidate Michele Bachmann continued to expose  Herman Cain as just another cheap hustler who will do and say anything to dupe gullible voters.

Bachmann said the remarks made by Cain earlier this week were further evidence of the businessman’s “troubling” and we may add ever shifting platform

Pointing out that Herman Cain spins his policies faster than pizza dough – she didn’t say that we did-  Michele Bachmann said “You can’t have all of these flip-flops in our nominee, one after another,” .  She then, rightfully added that   “It’s making the voters’ heads spin. I think it’s giving people pause and they’re asking real questions about what does he believe truly and how would he govern as president of the United States.”

These latest statements come just one day after she criticized Cain  at a presidential forum organized by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, comparing Cain’s views on abortion to those of Democratic President Barack Obama.

During a CNN  interview Cain said he is pro-life, even in cases of rape or incest. But when Morgan asked how he would feel if a member of his family were raped and if he would want that family member to raise the child, Cain said it is “not the government’s role or anybody else’s role to make that decision.”

Bachmann continued to point out that Herman Cain is in direct opposition to conservatives on the issue of Gitmo and Terrorism

Herman Cain told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday that he would be open to negotiating with al Qaeda by releasing prisoners from the site if he were elected president.

“People want to make sure that our nominee is 100% pro-life, 100% standing for marriage between a man and a woman and they certainly don’t want to see terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed released from Guantanamo Bay,”  Said Bachmann “That’s non-negotiable.”

  1. Michele Bachman you need to leave Herman Cain alone he is no longer a candidate for President……………You should be ashamed of yourself for you arent so perfect yourself………………….

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