We are getting bits and pieces of information here and there about this but it somehow doesn’t all seem to or make any kind of sense.
On June 11 the WHO upgraded the Pandemic to level 6 , and here is how they define “level 6” : Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way(source).
In sharp contrast with the very aggressive WHO stance on the Mexican Swine Flu our own Center for Disease Control(CDC) , and Official State Media (OSM) are taking a seemingly very laissez-fair attitude. Ask most Americans, myself included, how many states are infected with Mexican Swine Flu and to what extent and few know that the answer is every single one!
Ask most Americans how many fatalities are there nation wide and few know. I sure don’t and I have no way to find out, neither do you. A quick check of the CDC website will find you staring at the map bellow. Note that Colorado is colored white and the legend tells us that white indicates that there are no flu cases reported in Colorado. I guess the CDC must be really busy these days because it took me a few seconds to find reported and confirmed cases of Mexican Swine Flu in Colorado.
Click map to enlarge
This is from the Denver Post “Two cases of swine flu have been confirmed in Colorado, state health officials said this morning.
The state’s chief medical officer, Ned Calonge, will hold a news conference at 10:30 a.m. detailing the cases.
The cases in Colorado and a case in Minnesota brings the number of states with confirmed swine flu to 13, according to the Centers for Disease Control. There are 109 confirmed case…”
This is such a major omission that I cannot fathom what possible excuse the CDC can have for not showing this on their map. How can we help but ask the very logical question, how the hell do we know that anything else that they report is accurate?
In NYC the death toll from the Mexican Pig Flu is now officially at 9 people. I just wrote that and then did a search to verify it and found out that it is in fact 16! Now I am as much a news junkie as the next guy so if I wasn’t sure what the toll was in NYC , and I live here mind you, chances are good that quite a few other people don’t know either. Further more, I have no idea what the death toll is in Houston or Chicago or LA or Phoenix, Boston ,Mineapolis , Detroit or St Louis, you get the picture right! Aside from maybe some very local coverage we have no idea if there is even Mexican Flu present anywhere else in the US? Well in Chicago we are told that there are four fatalities attributed to the flu,there are 6 deaths in Texas , as of march 27 there were four fatalities in Arizona. In California,” 802 individuals have been identified as confirmed or probable cases of the.” Mexican Flu. They report four fatalities
I found out that in NYC if one does have the flu and goes to a doctor, the SOP is for the doctor to just prescribe TamiFlu and send them home. There isn’t even the thought of testing for the Mexican Swine Flu. If the symptoms persist or worsen and if the person actually picks up the phone and calls their doctor again they are instructed to go to a hospital and only then do they finally get tested for Mexican Swine Flu. If a child has fever school officials instruct the parents to keep him/her out of school for at least seven days
This type of approach does nothing but grossly underestimate the number of cases of Swine Flu that are reported. Friends tell me that in Rockland county Swine Flu is widly spread . Just try to find some info on how many cases exist in Rockalnd county. Good luck.
If this is goiung on in NY rest assured its happening in every single metropolitan area. It seems that the CDC is playing for time waiting for the school year to end . It also seems that the CDC is more interested in hiding the truth form the public rather than finding out to what the extent of the flu has spread in our country.
Or, maybe they already know, that the flue is everywhere!