Landrieu the launderette
Landrieu the launderette

The Dictatorial Health-care Bill making its way trough the senate is showing the world that of the 58 Democrat senators that are currently occupying senate seats, 57 of them are the worst representatives that their constituents ever had.

The bill is referred to as “The Louisiana Purchase” and for good reason. Senator Mary Landrieu  got harry Reid to pay her $300,000,0000 . Yeap all those zeroes are three hundred million dollars worth of concessions , your money and mine -money that we don’t have- that we will give to Louisiana in exchange for for her “yes vote” on Obamacare.

Sure Reid should be thrown in a dungeon for giving bribes with our money, sure Landrieu should be right next to him for accepting the bribe and all traitors in the senate who are going along with this should be in chains but that’s  a different story line.

In this  post I just want to  just focus on the stupidity of the other 57 senators. As I don’t see any of the democrat senators up  arms about this “payment” then I have to assume that they find nothing wrong with it and since they voted for itthey must approve it. Well, in that case the 57 Democrat senators have to be the dumbest senators ever assembled.

Hey geniuses, Landrieu got $300,000,000 for her vote but  you fools gave it away for free!

Landrieu  got $300,000,000 for her constituents how much did you get for yours?
Hillarry Clinton, Chucky Schumer, Dodd, Boxer, Al Franken-well, yeah- etc. etc. got their constituents to pay money to Landrieu’s constituents.

Hey libs, aren’t you glad you voted for them? You all got taken to the cleaners by Landrieu the launderette and you idiots dragged us along.

  1. All Mary Landrieu needs now is a lace swing and a window to swing out of…glad to see she has a career after politics on Bourbon Street as a HIGH dollar hooker.

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