GOP Congressman Mike Kelly alleged that “state election reform statute known as Act 77 violated both the state constitution [of PA] and the federal constitution. Act 77, which predates the coronavirus pandemic, was described when signed into law as a “bipartisan compromise.” ”
Rep. Kelly made his case to PA Supreme court but it was dismissed “with prejudice.” Justice Alito demands PA respond to GOP.
Justice Alito is the one who receives requests emanating for the 3rd circuit. He requested that the state respond by Tuesday, Dec. 8, by 9 a.m.
Why it’s important
This is important because 12/8/2020 is the “safe harbor deadline”
Kelly’s arguments point out, federal election law sets a so-called “safe harbor” deadline which requires controversies “concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures” to be determined “at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors.”
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