Jeff Bezos is one of the top globalist oligarchs that many claim is responsible for Jo Biden’s installation. His fake news newspaper the Washington Post is one of the, of not the most, vicious leftist propaganda organ anywhere in the world. They make any former Soviet or current Chinese publication look tame in comparison. For years Bezos’ propaganda rag promoted the worst election fraud possible. Vote by mail, cell phone voting motor-voter-registration, no id voting, weighted balloting and any and all sorts of cockamamie schemes to disenfranchise Americans and destroy our democracy. Now it’s suddenly different! Jeff Bezos Amazon and Washington Post owner is in favor of in person voting.
Natalie Winters at the National Post reports:
Bezos’ Washington Post, however, took a different stance on mail-in voting regarding the presidential election by publishing a host of pieces peddling a pro-mail-in voting stance including “Five myths about mail-in voting,” “Why arguments that mail-in balloting will undermine the election are wrong,” and “Minuscule number of potentially fraudulent ballots in states with universal mail voting undercuts Trump claims about election risks.”
Read more here
Why the sudden change of mind? Jeff Bezos Amazon and Washington Post owner is in favor of in person voting.
The reason behind Jeff Bezos criminally hypocritical statement is that his workers want to organize to form a union. They are tired of not making enough to live on. Amazon employees are tired of working long shifts and having to depend on social programs to make ands meet and feed their families.

Quite frankly, we the American taxpayers are also tired of Amazon. We are especially tired of the company raking up billions in profits at our expense.
Last year Amazon reported over 13,280,000,000 in profits. That’s $13 billion dollars in profits! They only paid 1.2% tax on that? And wait it gets worse! We are also paying for their health insurance and other social programs that their employees can’t afford because they don’t make enough money!
It’s no wonder that 6,000 workers from Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama facility want to organize and unionize.
This why globalist oligarch and would be member of ruling cabal Jeff Bezos suddenly has an affinity for in-person voting. This is why he now dismisses all the other dirty voting practices he promoted to steal the election from Donald Trump and the American people.
Until Amazon gets itself straight remember, Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy From Amazon