Port Chester NY- How do you get minorities elected to power in districts where they don’t have enough votes? Why just let them vote 6 times , you know, just to be fair. Do you think this happened in a dark Chicago alley with Daley, Obama or Blagoyevich? No, this is happening in New York State and not in the dark of night but in the light of day with the full blessing of the federal judge who heard the case. The judge is black and was appointed to the federal bench by George W. Bush!
Before we go any further, let me ask you two questions: have you heard of this? Did/are we organizing tea party protests because basic rights are taken away from us? The answer to both of those is no. So our indignation is about as useful as a sack of hammers.
PORT CHESTER, N.Y. – Arthur Furano voted early — five days before Election Day. And he voted often, flipping the lever six times for his favorite candidate. Furano cast multiple votes on the instructions of a federal judge and the U.S. Department of Justice as part of a new election system crafted to help boost Hispanic representation.Source
VOTING IS OUR MOST SACRED RIGHT! Our nation’s forefathers fought and died for this right! Our children, husbands, brothers, wives, sisters and mothers are still fighting and dying to guard this right -two were killed today in Kandahar. Is it possible to have a country much less a democracy if some people’s votes count six times more than other citizen’s vote?
“But the village of about 30,000 objected to districts. It suggested instead a system called cumulative voting. All six trustees would be elected at once and the voters could apportion their six votes as they wished —ALL SIX TO ONE CANDIDATE one each to six candidates or any combination.
What do you call it if those votes are determined based on race? It is called racism and make no mistake about it that’s what this is all about. Racism against whites and the hope that minorities , in this case Hispanics, will bring about changes that benefit not the general citizenry of the village, but Hispanics. Candida Sandoval, a “voter”, declared just that – “I hope that if Hispanics get in, they do something for all the Hispanic people. I don’t know, but I hope so.” She said that in Spanish because she speaks no English, but her vote is worth 6 times more than that of white English speaking Americans. This situation raises many question and here are a few. What exactly are hispanic officials supposed to do for “hispanic people” that they are not supposed to do for whites or blacks? I am curious to find out when the hell someone “will do something for white people”? I am also curious to find out what the leeches in the left Stream Media will say happens if voters exiting the voting booth declared that “they hope elected officials do something for white people”?
Understand that this is not the first time this happened and more importantly understand that THIS WILL NOT BE THE LAST TIME ! It is called “cumulative voting” and it was the way that the Illinois House Of representative socialists kept control of that festering pile of corrupt infected puss from 1870 to 1980 when it was declared unconstitutional and repealed. Like communism and socialism and all the other methods and tools that the left uses to enslave humanity and offend God, “cumulative voting” was resurrected in recent years. The excuse for this is the “Voting Rights Act”, but it really doesn’t matter.
Call it what you want. In reality it is the “take votes away from whites act” and it is spreading. Once accepted in such a high profile case as Port Chester NY, do you think the left will stop? Do you think the left will leave it alone and be content to use it on just a measly village representative? How long until this will be implemented to elect state officials? How many states have never had a “hispanic senator”? They are prime targets for new six for one voting rules. How long until it is used to elect national representatives? I’ll tell you how long, until November 2012! And you know what, even if the left decides that a higher profile application of this dictatorial measure is not the way to go, they will use it to subvert thousands of village, town, counties and even citywide elections until they strangle the life blood out of our democracy!
Who is looking out for whites? I told you many times that the demented drive towards diversity for its own sake will lead to destruction of our country, and here we are. Yeah sure we live in a democracy.
Click here to see other posts that prove that in the United States we now have institutionalized racism against whites.