Hollywack Had a Disappointing Year...GOOD!

Hollywack Had a Disappointing Year…GOOD!

We are very happy to report that Hollywack had a disappointing year, with box office receipts trailing  last year’s tally by over $500 million. I would’ve liked to report that it was over a billion dollars  more and that some of the subhuman  creatures that populate that sewer were going out of business, but alas not such luck.

Actually what I would’ve loved to report  is that we have at least a few Americans running studios in Hollywack and are making decent American movies…Don’t hold your breath.

The book “An Empire of their Own” proudly proclaims, and rightly so, that Jews invented Hollywood. The reviews for the book were hyperbolic “Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Award for history, this “wonderful history of the golden age of the movie moguls” (Chicago Tribune ) is a provocative, original, and richly entertaining group biography of the Jewish immigrants who were the moving forces behind the creation of America’s motion picture industry.”

So why is it anti Semitic to say that Jews control Hollywood? How can you be proud of your heritage and at the same time be indignant when others acknowledge same?

Of  course leftist Jews don’t control Hollywood, just look how many movies Mel Gibson made in the past few years. There’s, ahhhh….

I don’t want to recap all the crap that the leftist, Zionists, anti America activists, homosexuals, Christian bashers, anti white haters, hetero-phobes and God only knows what other types of viruses are active in that petri dish, tried to pull this year, but let’s just mention a few.

Hollywack Had a Disappointing Year…GOOD!

1) The Hollywood scumbags made Superman renounce his American Citizenship

2) Captain America was renamed “First Avenger” for certain markets

3) The new Spyderman is no longer white but  a mix Hispanic and black

Those are just a few of the more glaring assaults on America that stand out form the infinite number of leftist propaganda tripe that they insert in just about every script, every dialogue and every innuendo or not so subtle double entandre.

The heck with them, if that’s what they want then let them have it  and let them watch their own damn propaganda.


 Hollywack Had a Disappointing Year…GOOD!




  1. Still cannot access the email registration. All on my end checks out to be fine. I contacted you on F/B in December, and I still can’t access the apps. Thanks Buches…

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