every Democrat should sign no- transplant  pledgeI challenge every Democrat and for that matter, everyone who supports Obama-care to immediately sign a  pledge that they will refuse any and all transplants  after the age of 65. It’s only logical that this be done. After all, it’s the very cornerstone of Obama care. For government controlled healthcare to work those over a certain age, let’s say 65  must sacrifice themselves so that money and other resources be allocated to younger persons. This is exactly what Obama himself stated as the doctrine for his so-called Universal Healthcare.

We all remember the infamous “pain pill” incident – and Democrats voted for him anyway. In that incident, when asked if an elderly person should receive a pacemaker Obama responded that instead of  a pacemaker that person would be better off taking “a pain killer.” I know,I know,  only a moron would think that a painkiller has anything to do with the condition that requires a pacemaker. I know you know this so let’s not get bogged down in that discussion but rather let’s make the liberals take this pledge, or if not, let’s prove them to be the slimy hypocrites that they are.

You see the liberals, especially the elite liberals, such as Obama and his family, Hillary and Limp Willy Clinton, Sibelius, Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Joe Biden, Warren Buffett and the likes of  Robert DeNiro, Barbra Streisand Susan Sarandon, etc. know full well that the death panels and cost savings measures that will be inflicted upon the rest of us will absolutely not apply to them. They know that they’ll get their transplants at 95 and the media will tell us how lucky we are to get to see Matt Damon drool something on celluloid at that ripe old age.

Oh it will be easy for them to justify spending resources on themselves. After all it’s for “the good of society” so exceptions should be made just as they were made to get Obamacare passed trough Congress.  So while you or your parents, grandparents, and eventually your children and grandchildren will be waiting in line for months or maybe years for x-rays and MRIs the leftist elites and their children will get what ever they need whenever they need it. We’ve seen this movie before except it was real life. This is exactly how it was in the Soviet Union behind the Iron Curtain and how it is now in China or Cuba.

So let’s call on them now to pledge that as per of the Obamacare doctrine they so love, that  they sign a pledge that after they reached 65 years old they will not accept any sort of transplants.

This is just what the Obama propaganda organ, CBS,  prescribed for Dick Cheney. In a despicable piece, the type that is the norm at CBS, leftists lemmings wondered if Dick Cheney deserved a heart transplant. One “bioethicist” Art Caplan, stated that

“Most centers wouldn’t put somebody on” at Cheney’s age, ..I’ve been arguing for a long time that the system should pay more attention to age because you’ll get a better return on the gift because younger people are more likely to live longer with a donor organ, ”

Well fine, then every Democrat and  every supporter of Obama care should sign the pledge and to show us through their leadership by example that they are truly committed to the “good of the state” and the collective “needs of society”

Feel free to call any Democrat politician, celebrity, activist, athlete or whatever and tell them to sign the pledge. Maybe we can start with Harry Reid and other Democrats both in the House and the Senate. You can tweet or contact  through Facebook, or e-mail or call or fax them at this website. I urge you to do it and let us know what they said, I’ll be very happy to publish it.


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