Looking at the activities, statement and bills introduced by democrats in their first day as majority party in the House you’d be hard pressed to guess which Constitution and which country they swore to defend!

One Neo-Bolshevik, Steve Cohen D-Tenn introduced not one but two amendments to the US constitution. One amendment seeks to prevent President Trump from issuing pardons to “themselves, their families, their administration or campaign staff.”
Bill to Abolish Electoral College
Apparently believing only one amendment per day too pedestrian Rep. Steve Cohen also decided our Constitution is outdated in need of his wisdom to bring it up to date. His second proposed amendment seeks nothing less than the abolishment of the Electoral College. His reasons for this actions consist of reiterating he same old worn out talking point that the left has been regurgitating for decades every time they get a wild hair to turn us from a Republic to a mob ruled dictatorship. So while his arguments are old his motivation on the other hand is as new as Trump’s win of the presidency.

Democrats were falling all over themselves to see who gets to introduce articles of impeachment, but the dubious honor fell to Rep. Brad Sherman probably becasue he introduced the same articles once before so why bother rewriting them again? Time is precious when you only have two years to destroy America.
The spirit and character of the new Democrat House of Representatives was however best exemplified by the Democrat’s newest muslim representative Rep. Rashida Talib who managed to also show the world the Democrat parenting techniques that are resulting in prisons full of black males
“When your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother f*cker.”