The two leading traitors, Biden of the Democrats and Mitch McConnell of the DNC plan to “attend church” together to celebrate America’s enslavement to China. Biden and Mitch Afraid to go to the National Cathedra
The two traitors chose the St. Matthews Cathedral in Washington. This is was done to save themselves the embarrassment of having to be seen in the National Cathedral that Trump saved from the BLM/Antifa arsonists and rioters.

President Trump saved the cathedral and the next day walked right to it. He brought along cabinet members.
Some of those coward in fear and the next day said they regretted walking to the Cathedral with Trump. Apparently their demonic backers told them to do regret it.
“Yes I can confirm” that top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell will join Biden, who was a longtime colleague in the US Senate, at the church, a person knowledgeable of McConnell’s plans told AFP Tuesday. calls China Joe Biden a “a devout Catholic.” Apparently his devotion is best illustrated by this support for abortion on demand at all stages, homosexuals “marriage” and support of other “religions” including the demonic.
One wonders why so many Catholic priests and Bishops want to excommunicate “devout Catholic” China Joe Biden.
Read here “Two traitors walk into a church”