Argentine President Christina Fernandez is the type of Old Wise Latino Woman that Sotomayor had in mind. She’s cut from the same cloth as Chavez, Castro, and Obama. Well, let’s be fair. All she did was nationalize billions of dollars in private pension funds and the country’s top airline. Compared to Obama, she’s a buck-wild capitalist. Nonetheless, the private citizens who saw their money confiscated, ahh, I mean “nationalized”, didn’t quite like giving up their pension funds to fund her far left agenda and handed her the same kind of mid-term defeat that we’ll probably see Obama suffer.
Her own husband, former President Nestor Kirchner, couldn’t even win a bid for a seat from Buenos Aires province. Seeing her ratings drop faster than Obama’s support for FISA reform, Fernandez tried to stave off a massive defeat by holding the elections four months early. Alas it was in vain for the the results were just as disastrous. The parallel between her philosophy and policies and Obama’s could not be clearer. Like Obama she initially tried to slash unemployment with massive public works programs that were supposed to jump start the Argentine economy. Again, I am getting carried away, Obama said that this was what he was going to do, but instead all he’s done so far is fund ACORN, place in bankruptcy the automotive companies, and tried to nationalize the banks. On the fiscal stimulus side, he’s done little or nothing, preferring to postpone the “stimulation” until next year when we get closer to the elections.
I wrote here that from the European parliament to the UK to India to Virginia the signs are ominous for the left. It gives me great pleasure to add Argentina to that long and, God willing, ever-expanding list.