Impeachement is the Right Thing to do Now

This is the right time for impeachment! Sure, one after the other the limp wristed Republicans will line up and tell you that it isn’t the right time, but that’s flat wrong. All those Republicans are just wussies lining up to explain why they’re not wussies.

Reality is that the Republicans are afraid to impeach Obama because they are more afraid of the leftist media than they are of you, the people who voted for them. Reality is that the Republicans will not impeach Obama because they are more afraid of the leftist media than they are of turning the country into a third world dictatorship.  Shame on them – one and all. They are not worthy of our votes and they are certainly not worthy of running this country.

Perhaps my biggest disappointment was Trey Gowdy, whose flippant response to the impeachment question was that he’s “met Biden.” In other words, if we get rid of Obama, we’ll be stuck with Joe Biden and he’s worse.

I am not going to argue here who is dumber between Obama and Biden or which of the two would make a worse president. Although, it’s almost impossible to imagine anyone worse than Obama unless one has the nightmare that Stalin came back to life and resided in the White House.

Reality is that Biden is a politician and, as such, he may be dumber than a sack full of hammers and just as worthless, but like many politicians he also does have an amazing sense of self preservation.  The guy’s been bamboozling the public into voting for him for decades now, so his befuddling ability to survive at the highest level of the political strata should be exploited.

That is precisely why this is the perfect time to impeach Obama, get him out of the White House, and perhaps even put him on trial afterwards. Under these circumstances, Joe Biden would of course assume the presidency, but, unlike Obama, Joe Biden would not be a dead duck president. Quite the opposite, he would be the incumbent and in a field of Hillary and Elizabeth Warren, Biden would be not just the front runner, but the Democrat party’s only viable candidate.

That is our leverage!  For Biden to be viewed as the Democrat’s viable candidate he would have to behave in a centrist, rational manner; he would have be the opposite of Obama. Biden sees how unceremoniously the American people sent Obama and his policies to the trash heap of history and, call him what you want, but Biden is nothing if not a politician. He would realize that if he’s to have a chance of a snowball in hell to run for the highest office in the land in 2016, he would have to be seen as an effective governor over the next two years.  He would have to compromise with the Republicans and he would have to do things that are not viewed by the American public as far left lunacy; again, the opposite of Obama!

The other bonus is that the Democrat party would then be divided into three camps that really loath each other and would be going after one another in ways that the limp wristed Republicans never would dare do!  A war in the Democrat part between the three camps, Biden, Warren and the Clinton would do make it a lot easier for Republicans to win the White House in 2016. Divide and conquer and all that…

At this point, impeachment is a clear win-win situation for Republicans but I am afraid that as is the norm for the Republicans, they will not act and instead will find a way to screw it all up. As you know fortune favors the bold and unfortunately we have so few bold Republicans.

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