Obama and the unions have ended 113 years of US manufacturing dominance!

CNBC announced that a study released on Monday conducted by IHS Global Insight estimates that last year China captured 19.8 percent of the world manufacturing output while the use dropped to 19.4 percent.

The last time China was in the lead was in the middle of the 19th century.  Historians state that China was the top manufacturer for over 1500 years with that reign coming to an end in 1850 when they were overtaken by the United States.

Is anyone surprised at this?  The Obama administration has certainly put the global war on terror on the back burner while declaring all out war on US business. The endless, meaningless Gordian knot  of regulations whose tentacles are strangling the life blood of out economy and the sky high fees and taxes imposed by Obama and his legions of far left Czars, administrators ,activists, corrupt union bosses and assorted pother lunatics have put the kibosh on America manufacturing. This is just another page in Obama’s legacy.

Obama says he is “changing America”, he shouldn’t be so modest, he is doing a lot more than that , he is destroying America!

Read full article here

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