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It is both surprising and uplifting to see conservative women take center stage in the revival of conservatism and the awakening of the planet.

While white male politicians have for the most part succumbed to and many even embraced their emasculation, conservative women have picked up the flame of liberty and like the lady in the harbor are holding it high for the whole world to see.

The lastest such lioness whose roar has just blown away  the house of cards composed by decades of carefully stacked lie upon lie is Germany’s Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel  has just engraved in the eternal rock of history the universal truth which we all knew.  Calling for immigrants  to Germany to embrace the German culture  and placing paramount importance on language,  Angela Merkel sent the far left notion of “multiculturalism” to the trash heap of history.

“Naturally, the notion that we would become ‘multiculti,’ that we would live next to one another and be happy about one another, failed.”declared Merkel during a speech to young member oif the Christian Democratic party in Frankfurt. She didn’t stop there! Merkel also acknowledged that Germany itself was swindled into accepting the  left’s idiotic “multiculti” notion and admitted that  “This is a country that brought guest workers to Germany in the 1960s” I am elated that she has brought this to the  front of the world stage but I really wish she would have been more specific and pointed the finger at exactly who it was who brought in the “foreign workers”. Of course they weren’t brought in by average Germans but by those whose  avarice drove them to pressure the government to acquiesce to their demented and myopic drive for profits! I really wish that Merkel would have pointed the finger at those directly responsible, the left, the  greedy corporations and the banks who financed them!  I also wish that she would have gone the distance and differentiated between the assimilation of earlier European workers and the current invasion form the Middle East. Further more by  calling for assimilation, Merkel herself is setting up the German people for further disappointment. As we have shown in America, assimilation of peoples of such different racial and cultural backgrounds is simply not possible regardless of the trillions of dollars we spend and the amount of death and violence to which we are willing to turn the other cheek. ( There are over 700,000 victims of minority on white violent crime in America each and every year)

Nonetheless Angela Merkel’s declaration is crucial  giant leap towards bringing the world back to sanity and to  the natural order of things.  It has been a very long time since the world stood up an applauded  Germany. Today I stand with so many hundreds of million from Moscow to Prague to Paris to New York to Portland and Sidney and many many cities and towns in between, and  paraphrasing Americans of an earlier generation I declare  ICH BIN DEUTSCH


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