Charisse Carney-Nunes
Charisse Carney-Nunes

So who do you think is behind the Obamaprayer song? Oh yeah you guessed it she is a black Obama activist and former Obama law school classmate at Harvard Law School- is it any wonder IV league schools are becoming the laughing stock of the world?
As far as Charisse goes, well she wrote a book called “Nappy” and as per black doctrine, that makes her a racist !

Don Imus was called racist for using the word “nappy” as was Ruth Sherman a Brooklyn, New York teacher. We all know what happened to Don Imus , however here is but a small example of what happened to Miss. Sherman:

“But on the Monday before Thanksgiving the rookie teacher–in the middle of a math lesson–got an urgent call from the principal, ordering her to come
to the auditorium. Some parents, she was told, were upset about “Nappy Hair.” Sherman told her kids she’d be back in 10
minutes. That was the last time they saw her. Hearing the commotion from the hall as she approached the auditorium,
Sherman ducked into the principal’s office and called her fiance. “I think something bad is happening,” she whispered.
“Please come get me.” The minute she walked into the auditorium, all hell broke loose. “It was an ambush,” says Santiago.
“They turned into a lynch mob.”
People yelled out racial epithets like “cracker” and shouted threats. “You’d better watch out,” one warned. Anxious,
Sherman smiled, a nervous habit. Her grin fueled the crowd’s anger. When she rolled her eyes at the gathering, a woman in
the front row lunged toward the stage. The principal and the school security guard intervened, and Sherman was rushed out
of the hall. By the time it was all over, television crews were outside (parents had alerted the local media before the meeting
started) and Sherman was in hysterics, waiting for someone to escort her out of the neighborhood.” Source  Note that none of the individuals were ever charged with a race crime becasue “cracker”…well they were saying it out of love for the teacher you see

Now why isn’t Charisse called a racist and fired and abused?  Because, to use the current vernacular so preferred by black racists such as Diane Watson (D-of course, CA), both Imus and Ruth look like me and Charisse doesn’t !Oh and by the way blacks cannot be racists! See these articles  The Racism of White Pride No Derogatory Terms for Whites

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