The latest most shocking video about the organization supported by your money.

Gloria Negrete McLeod
Gloria Negrete McLeod

“As your representative in the State Senate, my offices and I are committed to providing the highest quality of service to the residents of the 32nd Senate District.

These community services include assisting you in dealing with state departments such as the Franchise Tax Board and the Department of Motor Vehicles. We are also available to provide information regarding other valuable programs and services.” Source

Wilmer Amina Carte

“Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter would like to announce her third annual “It Ought to Be a Law” contest where members of the 62nd District submit ideas for legislation that will make real changes to our neighborhoods and communities, as well as throughout the state.

The winner will have his or her idea introduced as a bill in the 2010 legislative session and then the opportunity to actively participate in the legislative process. The winner will also receive a trip to and a tour of the State Capitol in Sacramento and lunch with Assembly Member Carter.”

You can contact Mrs Carter on Facebook – like we did- and ask her to comment on the being named in the video. In fact please do!

Joe Baca
Joe Baca

Beyond committee work, Rep. Baca also serves as Whip of Region One on the Democratic Steering Committee and as a floor whip. He is an active member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, where he serves as Caucus Whip. Rep. Baca also serves on the House Army Caucus; the Native American Caucus; the Congressional Diabetes Caucus; the Education Caucus; the Courthouse Caucus, the Meth Lab Caucus, and the Law Enforcement Caucus. In addition, Rep. Baca is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a consensus-building group of 33 moderate-to-conservative lawmakers dedicated to finding common sense solutions on public policy issues. For the Blue Dogs, he is the co-chair of the Education Task Force.

On of our favs, Babs Boxer
On of our favs, Babs Boxer

“So all of this is a diversion by the people who want to, frankly, hurt President Obama. You’ve heard the Republican Senator Jim DeMint say it.”

“Let’s make this Obama’s Waterloo. Let’s break him.” That’s what this is about. And by the way I saw some of the clips of people storming these townhall meetings. The last time I saw well-dressed people doing this, was when Al Gore asked me to go down to Florida when they were recounting the ballots, and I was confronted with the same type of people. They were there screaming and yelling, “Go back to California! Get out of here!” and all the rest of it, until I finally looked at them and I said, “You know what? Your hero Ronald Reagan is from California, you should show a little respect.” And then they quieted down. So this, this is just all organized. Just go up on the Web site Chris. You, you in the media have to take a look at what’s going on here. This is all planned. It’s to hurt our president and it’s to change the Congress.

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