I mentioned two days ago that Gibb’s statement Gibbs to the effect that in some places there is only one insurance provider, we just want people to have a choice might mean that Obama is caving in on the public option. Here is the link.
Yesterday Obama himself again made a statement that could be another step on that path. He stated ” we are trying to improve on the health care that we have”.
Today he he took yet another step backwards. stating “the public option if we have it or not is not the entirety of health reform”
Now this could be nothing more than Obama blabbering without a teleprompter but when he said it he was rally in a bind. He was getting spanked by a college kid form Colorado and was stuttering in the same way he did with the “inahlators” speech so I tend to believe that he was speaking what was on his brain.
This is by far the strongest indication that Obama is beaten. Don’t stop keep the pressure on we are winning!!