Just a couple of hours ago Mike Savage raised the issue of Nationalized Health Care for what will be the new “legal immigrants” . We are of course talking about the current 20 or so million illegals.
Savage’s attack was prompted by Obama’s own statement, made in Mexico, that he intends to further continue his mission of eliminating the United States as a nation by implementing, as he calls it “immigration reform.”
Now I am not picking on Savage, au contraire, I like the guy well enough and he isn’t the only one to take up this current issue. Rush, Hannity, Beck, Levine and the rest did the same, and why not? After all it is a valid issue and a vital issue and now that Obama stated his plan of action they can all pile in.
The thing is, that Conunderground said it first well before Obama admitted that this is in fact his goal. If only the worthies mentioned above had heeded our clarion call then this issue would have already been debated front and center and Obama would not have been able to promise this to the Mexicans.
Sure you might say that maybe the giants of conservative media don’t even know that conunderground exist much less that we wrote the article.
Wrong mon cher ! We know that they or their staff come to our site and we know that they had access to the article becasue we sent it out to all of them and then some. I guess, that they have their plan and their tens and hundreds of millions of dollars to worry about .
At Conunderground are free of all such constraints- though I have to admit I wouldn’t mind a few such concerns – and worry only about the truth and our country!
Here is the article that we wrote over a month ago, please read it and please retwitt it , post in on Facebook, Hi5, DeliciUS, Myspace, linke in , everywhere. Understand that if this comes to pass our country will not survive! Here is the article: