Faced with microscopic viewership levels and rapidly disappearing readership the Leftist “Drive-by-Media” is now suddenly pretending to find religion.
To wit one particular scummy leftist virus long-time White House reporter named Carl Cannon, wants us to accept his confession that “in the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race” Yeah you think? What gave you the first clue? The thirty to one hundred “special investigators” that you and assorted other scum just like you sent to Wasala AK? At one point the local population complained that the vermin outnumbers the townsfolk.
Investigating why Obama got a free multimillion dollar back yard from Syrian born crook Resnick merited nary a single “special investigator”. And of course investigating the role that Obama played in steering public housing contracts to Resnick was also an issue that merited no investigation, after all the projects were so poorly built that no one could live in them anyway so what’s the fuss?
Nor did any investigative horde descend upon Bill Ayers a convicted terrorist or his wife . Why would they the four were just ahhem friends who ahem worked together. The list is endless and we are now endlessly lamenting how we got the charlatan from Chicago as president. But yea lets believe this asshole Cannon when he says that he doesn’t believe that the media had anything to do with who ultimately won the election.
OH yeah ? Gee schmuck what was the score for this election and would it have been this tight without you woos cheerleaders in the media doing the cartwheels which you just confessed to doing on behalf of the far left Marxists who have put our children and grand children in debt? Take your confession and sell it elsewhere we’re not buying your drivel anymore..or your newspapers.