As a separate group, an accomplishment of their own making, the congressional black caucus is probably the most corrupt and unethical national political body in America.
The horrors inflicted upon the black community by demented socialist and other far left policies and experiments cannot be overstated. Abortions, as planned and prescribed by eugenicists in the Obama administration, the destruction of the natural family unit , systemic multi-generational welfare, the education system that graduates total illiterates -never mind cultural illiterates, anti constitutional gun control laws that guarantee that in most inner-city black communities only criminals have fire arms, the sense of entitlement and victimization are just of the few factors that have contributed to the current state of the black community. Sure there are other issues as well but they are beyond the scope of this post.
In this post we’ll focus on the national level political leadership of the black community, and the corruption and betrayal that they are inflicting on their constituents..And, my God, how can they sleep at night?
As a separate group, an accomplishment of their own making, the congressional black caucus is probably the most corrupt and unethical national political body in America.
What is truly astonishing is not just the number and scope of investigations and ethical inquiries into its member’s political and business affairs but what is truly incomprehensible is that the same people continue to get voted in office! Oh and by the way, yeah, they are liberals.
Representative Sanford Bishop (D-GA):- Under Investigation
The investigation is focused on possible misappropriation of funds at the Muscogee County Junior Marshal program based in Columbus. Sanford Bishop steered almost $200,000 of earmarked funds to the “Junior Marshall” program. The Program employed both the Congressman’s Stanford’s step-daughter and her husband.
The funds paid to the Congressman’s son-in-law were deposited directly to the bank account of Columbus Municipal Court Clerk Vivian Creighton Bishop, wife of U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop
To make matters more interesting Aayesha Owens Reese ,Congressman’s Stanford’s step-daughter rhas never even showed up at the the Junior Marshal program.The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. “It is hard to be in two places at once,” said Clifton C. Fay, the city attorney for the Columbus-Muscogee County government. An internal audit revealed that Owens Reese, stepdaughter of U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop, was paid $7,500 as an administrative assistant at the “Junior Marshal” program in the Muscogee County Marshal’s office from last October until her pay was suspended about two weeks ago, Fay said. The audit indicated she was being paid for hours that she was also working at Howard’s office, and there was no evidence she had done any work for the Columbus wages, Fay said.”
A Georgia Bureau of Investigation inquiry into the Muscogee County Marshal’s Office employment of a congressman’s stepdaughter has found no illegal activity.
Yes of course, out of all the citizens of Georgia the Muscogee County Junior Marshal program just coincidentally happened to employ the two who are relatives of the Congressman who steered federal funding their way and deposit the $7000 pay of one of them into the bank account of the Congressman’s wife!
This great investigative work was conducted by Georgia Bureau of Investigations special agent Rodney Wall shown at left speaking to students at the South Georgia Technical College
Its interesting to note that are no investigations pertaining to the circumstances of how the congressman’s wife, his step daughter and her husband received two public sector jobs.
Stephen Reese, congressman’s Sanford Bishop (D-Ga) is also employed as a security guard at Redan High School in Stone Mountain, Ga., and Aayesha Reese Congressman’s Sanford Bishop’s (D-Ga) step daughter works for the ail at the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office. The Congressman’s wife is the Columbus Municipal Court Clerk.

Representative Corrine Brown (D-FL)-Chock full of corruption allegations, fines, investigations, racist comments.
Corrine Brown’s list of investigations into financial impropriety started almost as soon as she was elected to public office. She was fined $5000 by the Florida Ethics Commission for using legislative employees as dual employees of her travel business.
Shortly after winning her congressional seat her former campaign treasurer quit in the midst of an investigation by the federal Elections Commission. He alleged that representative Brown failed to take action against campaign aids who on more than one occasion forged his signature on financial documents.

There were allegations that Brown also received $10,000 dollars from a secret money laundering fund belonging to National Baptist Convention head Henry Lyons.If you are not familiar with Mr Henry Lyons here is a quick synopsis courtesy of Wikipedia “In February 1998 he was charged with one count of racketeering and two counts of grand theft and in summer 1998 he was indicted by federal prosecutors for fraud, extortion, money laundering, conspiracy and tax evasion” Initially Mr Lyons denied the charges, calling them “racist” ( what else) but eventually plea bargained to a five and half year jail sentence for embezzling $4 million of the NBC’s funds. He is now out of jail and plans to make another run at the presidency pf the National Baptist Convention.
The Washington Examiner has done yeoman’s work in researching a small portion of the donations received by Representative Corine Brown (D-FL) from some of the most corrupt unions in the country. “Multiple officers and members of these unions, including division presidents, secretary-treasurers and business managers, have been convicted since 2001 of felonies ranging from embezzlement, falsifying official reports to government, mail fraud and conspiracy. The American Federation of Government Employees have had eight convictions, The Service Employees International Union has had nine convictions and The Boilermakers have had 10 members convicted, while the IBEW has had 14 members convicted. The amounts of embezzled funds range from over $5,000 to over $100,000.”
Not a stranger to ethics complaints Representative Corrine Brown ( D-FL) has garnered quite a list. ” One of the complaints was that Foutanga Dit Babani Sissoko, a West African businessman, purchased a $50,000 Lexus for Brown’s daughter after Brown lobbied Janet Reno to release him from prison through the use of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Another stems form her hiring of Jazz and Gospel singer Roslyn Burrough as a “congressional outreach specialist”. Burrough was paid $40,000 at taxpayer expense for two 12-week engagement.
Another ethics complaint stems form Brown’s hiring jazz and gospel singer Roslyn Burrough as a “congressional outreach specialist”. Burrough was paid $40,000 of taxpayer funds ( read your money) for a 12 week stint. Source
Given all that is anyone surprised that Representative Corrine Brown (D-FL) has also made statements showing her to be a racist.
“On February 25, 2004 Representative Brown referred to the Bush Administration as a “racist” “bunch of white men”. In a meeting with senior State Department officials and members of Congress. Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega, a Mexican American, deeply resented “being called a racist and branded a white man.” Brown retorted to Noriega and Cuban-American Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart that “you all look alike to me“.” Source
To truly understand Corrine Brown you have to watch Corrine Brown and what better way to do that than via the now world famous “gradulations” and “B.S. bowl” video
Yes this woman does make decisions that will affect our taxes, national defense and health care, don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy now?

Andre Carson (D-In)- Second Muslim to be elected to congress. Ties with group investigated for supporting terrorist organizations.
Andre Carson was elected to finish out his grandmother’s term Congresswoman Julia Carson (D-In) whoe succumbed to a battle with lung cancer in December.
Mr. Carson’s campaign received a significant portion of its funding from the Council On American Islam Relations (CAIR). Labeled a a turnstile for terrorists by veteran FBI agents, as reported by Front Page magazine , as far back as June 2007 .
“A former senior CAIR official is among five indicted figures in the major terror-funding case. It turns out he is related by marriage to a key suspect in the conspiracy — a radical Muslim cleric and activist who authorities have linked to al-Qaida.
In fact, they say the cleric is closely connected to the spiritual adviser to the 9/11 hijackers.
Federal investigators have learned that imam Mohammed El-Mezain — who goes on trial next month with one of CAIR’s founding board members — once lived in the same small Colorado apartment complex with another imam accused of preparing some of the hijackers for their “martyrdom” operation.”
Yet even though this had come to light well before his election, even though 14 senior CAIR officials were indicted for their involvement with the HAMAS sponsoring in the Homeland Foundation Congressman Andre Carson (D-In) still accepted their funds and attended the fundraiser organized by CAIR. The argument that he didn’t know who or what CAIR is holds no water because Representative Andre Carson (D-In) also served in the Indiana Department of Homeland Security at the Intelligence Fusion Center, supervising an anti-terrorism unit! You can’t make this stuff up!
Jim Clyburn(D-SC)-Earmarked our Taxpayer dollars to line his brother’s, nephew’s and son’s pockets
Rep. Clyburn claims the U.S. Constitution mandates him to earmark, and if you are going to earmark why not help a brother out, or a nephew or a son or a friend? .
Here are excerpts from a great article on the Clyburn scandals form “The Shot”
“Let’s start with the “Five Rivers Scandal”.In 2006 Congressman Clyburn set aside $145,000 for the Five Rivers Development Corp. to build a community center. According the Myrtle Beach Sun News:
Five Rivers Community Development Corp. spent $105,950 on two consultants who lobbied federal legislators for money and influence, but the nonprofit agency did not report those activities on its federal tax returns, according to a review of Georgetown-based Five Rivers’ financial records by The Sun News.
Five Rivers paid $16,600 over 16 months in 2004 and 2005 to Charles Clyburn, the brother of U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, for consulting work.
Sun News further reports that “Five Rivers also paid consultant David Richardson $89,350 between 2002 and 2005 to lobby legislators for grants.
Richardson, the former head of the Atlantic Beach Community Development Corp., would not discuss his work for Five Rivers. The Atlantic Beach group received $800,000 in federal grants starting in the late 1990s and dissolved in 2001 without making any progress toward development in the town.”
“I’m not going to talk to you because I don’t think you like black people,” “he stated to the Sun News reporter. ” Five Rivers’ executives, board members and clients predominantly are black.” ( Evidently David Richardson had no compunctions about taking money from those who may or may not like back people)
“About two-thirds of the $5 million Five Rivers received over the past decade was from state and federal grants.
But it doesn’t stop there. to add insult to corruption The Sun News also discovered:
… Five Rivers did not get to use the money James Clyburn appropriated because the nonprofit went out of business before its community center was built.
Clyburn’s use of federal money to benefit his family members didn’t stop their. Just this month Clyburn stepped down from the board of the International African-American Museum because his nephew’s architecture firm (the same firm from the Five Rivers scandal) was going to benefit from another federal earmark. The Charleston Post & Courier reported:
Hoping to avoid a potential conflict of interest, House Majority Leader Jim Clyburn stepped down Monday as chairman of the board of the International African American Museum, which is in the planning stages in Charleston.
Clyburn, who tucked an $800,000 earmark for the museum into the federal budget approved late last year, said he decided to resign from the board after learning Friday that his nephew, Derrick Ballard, works for one of the two architectural firms recently hired to design the $70-$80 million museum.
I’m guessing Clyburn decided to stick around on the museum’s board just long enough to make sure his family made some money off of federal tax dollars, and then got tired of going to meetings.”

John Conyers, Jr (D-Mi) Dean Congressional Balck Caucus.
John Conyers is no stranger to the FBI and the Stae’s attorney office. After all he wrote a letter to both those fine organizations explaining that the accusations leveled by former aides alleging that Conyers used his staff to work on several local and state campaigns and forced them to baby-sit and chauffeur his children was but a matter of ” lack of clarity” in his communications with staff members”
Here is the list of allegations made by Denna Maher former deputy Chief of staff in Conyers Detroit office and Sydney Rooks a former legal counsel with that same office.
DeWayne Boyd, a former top aide to Conyers, used Conyers’s congressional office to obtain a fake passport after being convicted of fraud, making false statements and government theft in 2004. Sentenced in 2005 to 30 to 46 months in prison, Boyd fled to Ghana before being recaptured and extradited to the United States.
• In 2002, Conyers’s aides in D.C. were sent to Detroit to help his wife, Monica, win a state Senate seat. While she lost that election, she won a seat last year on the Detroit City Council.
Carol Patton, a legislative counsel on Conyers’s personal staff, was hired in 2003 to help Williams and to help JoAnn Watson in her bid for Detroit City Council. Patton still works for Conyers and earns more than $44,000 per year, according to the 2005 House statement of disbursements.
In a Dec. 22, 2004, letter, Maher said Conyers staffer Melody Light “conducts her law practice (charging legal fees) out of the congressional office. … She has in effect hung out her shingle on [Conyers’s] office door.”

Like Jim Clayburn (D-SC), John Conyers Jr (D-MI) also likes to keep things in the family. The above mentioned “wife” Monica Conyers is truly a picture of liberal virtue and as such she spreads that virtue by hiring folks in need of work
Making sure that she is her brother’s and aunt’s and son’s and niece’s and maid’s keeper, Monica Conyers hired her aunt, Sunceria Garrett, in the council’s administrative offices, which manages payroll, travel and purchases for the council members. Conyers has also periodically employed her eldest son and got her brother a position in the city’s Buildings and Safety Engineering Department. Her niece is also gainfully employed at the public trough and works for the mayor’s office.
Not one to be accused of “nepotism” Conyers also gave a staff position to one Kimberly Hutchinson, who happens to live at the same address as Conyers’ mom, according to Secretary of State records. It’s not “nepotism” if you ain’t related right?
Financially Mrs Connyers has had her share of scandals and then some. Lets start light, at one point Monica Conyers owed a Detroyt city pension board more than $7,321in travel allowance advances. But that’s just small change, the doozy is that Mrs. Conyers pleaded guilty charged that she accepted bribery payments in order to give a $47 million contract to a waste removal company. She faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine when she’s sentenced.
Of course its silly to believe that Congressman John Conyers (D-Mi) knew anything about where his relatives are employed or why he and his wife’s bank account suddenly experienced a significant “surge”

Danny K Davis (D-IL) Implicated in the Blogojevich scandal Davis admits that he did meet with the former Democrat Governor of IL to seek his support, but says it was never implied that something might be expected in exchange for the governor’s approval. A staunch Blagojevich defender to the very end Davis (D-IL) stated “I’m not calling for his resignation. This is the United States of America. We take the position that you are innocent until proven guilty,” In 1995 upon receiving the support of Wallace “Gator” Bradley, spokesman for Larry Hoover, convicted leader of the murderous Gangster Disciples, Danny Davis replied “Why do you keep badgering me with this question? You got a problem with something? You’re not going to catch me going around saying I hate Gator Bradley….I’m not in the business of disavowing individuals. The good Lord said he hated sin, but not sinners. I’m not hating Gator Bradley. I disagree with those who commit crime and those who’d use drugs, but you won’t catch me going around saying that I hate Gator Bradley.” To date he hasn’t disavowed the gangster’s endorsement- silence is consent.

Not content to just spend time in IL and DC Danny Davis is the 15th most wonder lust bitten member of congress. As these travels can get expensive he does at times count on the “kindness of strangers” to finance his trips. On one such occasion his trip to the Sri Lanka was financed by the Tamil Tigers. Here is what Time magazine has to say about Congressman’s Davis (D-Il) supporters “The Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka are undoubtedly one of the most organized, effective and brutal terrorist groups in the world. They invented the suicide vest and, according to the FBI, are the only terrorist group to have assassinated two world leaders.”
For a full chronological list of the atrocities committed by Mr Davis’ Sri Lankan supporters please visit this web site
Its no wonder Mr. Davis has not disavowed the Gangster Disciples, compared to the Tamil Tigers the gangsters look like upright citizens.

Keith Ellison (D-MN) A convert to Islam Mr.Eliason is alleged to have received significant campaign contributions and support from Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). During the 2006 election Nihad Awad, executive director of the (CAIR), flew to Minneapolis to speak for Mr Eliason. None other than Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) have alleged hat CAIR’s “ties to terrorism” and “its association with groups that are suspect.” Mr Ellison rejected all allegations stating instead that individual CAIR members supported him but not the organization itself. In that same vain I suppose we can draw an analogy and say that Osma Bin Laden supported a candidate but not Al Qaida. In “2006, Ellison traveled to Florida on a fund raising tour that “included a party hosted by Altaf Ali, CAIR’s state director in Florida. The party had a suggested donation of $100.Since winning the 2006 election, Ellison and CAIR have continued their association” ( Wikipideia)
Not a stranger to campaign finance violation Mr Ellison has been investigated, subpoenaed and fined by the Minnesota State Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. They weren’t alone Mr Ellison has also been sued by the attorney general and received numerous warnings for lack of or incomplete disclosure. Mr.Elison is not above petty crime having had his license suspended suspended numerous times for failure to pay tickets and fine prompting his now infamous statement “”I don’t know how many prior suspensions I’ve had; I don’t keep count”
In one odd way Mr Ellison has proven to be prophetic of the characteristics of many of the current Obama administration appointees. In five different years between1992 and 2000, Mr Ellison has failed to pay all or part of his taxes prompting the IRS to put liens on his house.Is it any wonder then that during an interview with Glen Beck Mr. Ellison refused to a affirm his patriotism? After all according to Vice President Bidden patriotism begins with taxes.
Mr Ellison is also known for his close association with Farakhan’s nation of islam and for defending the latter against accusations of antisemitism.

Chaka Fattha (D-PA) Mr Fattha’s troubles seem to be just starting. Last month federal investigators announced that they are examining a multimillion-dollar scholarship program. The program founded four years ago by U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah( D-PA) and abruptly announced last month that he was shutting down.
The inquiry appears to be in its early stages, with investigators asking about the use of federal grant money that has flowed into the program, named CORE Philly.
Two people familiar with CORE Philly said last week that the FBI had contacted them. One, a public-relations consultant, said she had been served a grand-jury subpoena requesting copies of videos she made for the program. Fattah, as a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, has secured at least $3 million in congressional earmarks for it.
Is it any wonder that Mr Chaka Fattha is spearheading the Congressional black Caucus move to do away with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE)?
Alexander N. “Al” Green (D-Tx). Al Green’s resume includes accusations of sexual assault of a former employee as well as failure to report $300,000 in campaign contributions
Representative Al Green, Democrat of Houston, has been accused of sexual assault by a former employee in his Congressional office…
Green’s former district director, Lucinda Daniels, claims she was assaulted at her home in May 2007. “He sexually assaulted her, she did not give consent,” said Daniels’ attorney, Chip Lewis. “He tried to pursue a romantic relationship after that, she spurned his advances.”That’s when Daniels claims the Congressman made things hostile at work. After her resignation Daniels says Green then smeared her character to possible future employers. Daniels, according to Green’s attorney, allegedly demanded $1.8 million from the Congressman.
Democrat, Rep. Chris Bell (D., Tex.), filed accused his 2004 Democratic-primary opponent, former local-NAACP leader Al Green, of violating House rules by not disclosing the source of $300,000.
Representative Al Green, Democrat of Houston, has been accused of sexual assault by a former employee in his Congressional office…
Alcee Hastings.(D-FL) Is a a historical figure, a former judge, Alcee Hastings was impeached and removed form office for corruption and perjury. This is Alcee Hastings claim to fame, for you see in the entire history of our country only six other judges were so unceremoniously kicked out of office. It is my belief that Alcee Hastings historical standing is further enhanced as he is the only one to have served as a congressman post impeachment.In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering.
Well apparently Hastings thinks that he’s been “clean” too long because according to the Wall Street Journal, Representative Hastings spent over $24,000 in taxpayer money in 2008 to lease a luxury Lexus hybrid sedan. Hey its a hybrid all right? What more do you want?
And here just for giggles is some wisdom from Alcee Hastings regarding Sarah Palin “If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.”

Jesse Jackson Jr (D-IL) Son of the infamous Jesse Jackson he of the “Amelica stay out da bushes” fame and numerous allegations of racial shakedowns of many American companies.
The allegations that Jesse Jackson Jr was deeply involved with the Rod Blagojecivh attempted auction of Obama’s former senate seat necessitated a Congressional ethics investigation and prompted the Chicago Sun Times to declare ” Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is ‘Senate Candidate 5 in Blagojevich criminal complaint”
“Jackson denied he or any of his emissaries tried to cut any deals. He said he met Blagojevich on Monday, the day before the governor was busted, for the first time in four years, but insisted he only thought he was making his case on the merits.
“I thought, mistakenly, I had a chance, and I was being considered because I had earned it,” Jackson said in a Capitol Hill news conference. “Clearly, I was badly mistaken. I did not know that the process had been corrupted.”
According to the federal complaint, Blagojevich said in taped conversations he might “get some [money] up front, maybe” from No. 5 to make sure the candidate lived up to a promise of raising cash …” Source
Its really very curious how Jesse Jackson Jr, the Heir apparent ro one of the most connected Illinois politicians ever to spawn out of that states cesspool of democrat politics didn’t know that Blagojavich was shopping the seat to the highest bidder. I guess we’ll wait and see how the Blagojevich fiasco plays out but look for a Patrick Fitzgerald to do all possible to exonerate as many Chicago politicians as possible.
In 2001, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, improperly accepted transportation and lodging expenses for her sister, Lee Helen Johnson Willis, for a trip to Grenada.

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-IL) – Former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. The Congresswoman from MI is also the mother of disgraced former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Once again we have a case of keeping sleaze in the family. Congresswoman Kilpatric is under investigation for the now infamous Charles Rangle trip to the Caribbean in ’07 and ’08.
In the the FBI investigation of Political consultant Sam Riddle who alleges that the Democrats gave him $50,000 to keep quiet about Michigan Democrat Governor Jenifer Granholm as she sought re-election.
Political Consultant Sam Riddle, is cooperating with FBI investigators after alleging that the Michigan Democratic Party paid off to keep quiet about Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm as she sought re-election.
Riddle says tat federal investigators have questioned $50,000 he received in 2006 from the Michigan Democratic Party– payments he described as election year “hush money.” FBI agents also questioned Riddle about connections between Granholm and business consultant Bernard N. Kilpatrick, the father of then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, ex-husband of Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick and former Chief of Staff to Councilwoman Monica Conyers ( pleaded guilty to bribery, see above) said Riddle.

Gregory Meeks ( D-NY) From An Article by NY Daily News staff writer BY BENJAMIN LESSER
Maybe U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks should change the name of his fund-raising committee from Build America to Travel America.
A Daily News investigation found the Queens Democrat often uses his political action committee to spend thousands of dollars on cross-country jaunts, including multiple trips to Las Vegas, and tickets to the Super Bowl.
Incredibly, he even skipped the Dec. 5 congressional hearing on the auto industry bailout and jetted off to Las Vegas for a weekend at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino on the Strip.
That’s where The News found him checking in at the start of what he ultimately admitted was a two-day fund-raiser for Build America.
The News reported yesterday Meeks regularly uses funds from his campaigns and his political-action committee for trips to exotic locales – often in sunny climes in chilly months.
Meeks spent $20,000 on a fund-raiser that included tickets to last February’s Super Bowl in Phoenix, plus hotel rooms and “access to NFL parties.” Source