Because the state owned drive-by- media won’t tell you this I will. This administration is racking up failure after failure. Before we ge into some of the latest disasters lets ask just one small question first:
What has Obama accomplished so far?
This administration was supposed to be the magical mystery tour of foreign policy and foreign relations. OK so what the hell did they accomplish? Anything? No of course not I think that the only reason that things aren’t a lot worse its because the world realizes that they are dealing with a mental midget and are taking pity upon him.
Back to just in the past couple of weeks. For starters on June 4/09 Obama gave his infamous Cairo speech and among the pile of crap that he dished out was his moronic stamp of approval and even encouragement of Iran’s nuclear program. Its odd that Obama chooses to approve the Iran nuke program but is so adamant against the US program. I guess he believes that the Iranians can do it safer or better, who knows, I’ll put nothing pas this charlatan. That however is no the point, the point is why would one of the richest oil nation on the globe be so adamant about having a nuclear energy program? The other point is that the very next day the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran had increased its rate of production of low-enriched uranium (LEU), boosting its stockpile by 500 kg to 1,339 kg in the past six months. ( That’s over 1.3 metric tons of enriched uranium, for those of you who voted for the Bama) The report also mentioned that Iran has over 5000 centrifuges (that the IAEA knows off) hard at work enriching uranium. So that’s one great accomplishment.
That very same day in this hemisphere Obama got his butt handed to him again. Obama and Hillary tried vigorously , some have said even desperately efforts to keep Cuba out of the Organization of American States (OAS) nothing doing. The 35 states, which have so professed to love Obama had no qualms about voting against him. (Its interesting isn’t it that for eight years George “W” had no such problems in spite of how much the media told us the he was hated and ineffective.) That’s Obama’s great accomplishment number two.
A day later, June 5th/09, the employment figures came out and unemployment increased from 8.9 to 9.4 percent! Just as the Chinese are stating, the Obama economic plans are a complete disaster. So that’s accomplishment number three for the week . Great job Obama